Romania has provided information to the Commission showing that the classical swine fever situation in that Member State has significantly improved since the adoption of Decision 2008/855/EC and has requested that the dispatch to other Member States of fresh pigmeat and meat preparations and meat products consisting of or containing fresh meat from pigs kept in that Member State be permitted, provided that the safety of those commodities is ensured by means of a channelled system.
Such system would consist of holdings or one or more epidemiological units operating a common bio-security management system and an established supply chain, to ensure a distinct health status for classical swine fever for the subpopulation of pigs kept therein. Those holdings or epidemiological units are situated in areas in which surveillance, control and bio-security measures are being applied.

The Food and Veterinary Office (FVO) carried out an audit in Romania in July 2011. A number of significant deficiencies were outlined in the implementation of the programme for the control and monitoring of classical swine fever as well as in the channelled system proposed by Romania. However, the conclusion of the report was that the implementation of such a system in that Member State has the potential to function effectively, given some relatively minor amendments. The FVO report made specific recommendations for the improvement of these deficiencies by the Romanian authorities. Following the audit, Romania has informed the Commission that the deficiencies identified during the audit have been corrected following the implementation of an action plan that addresses them. The Commission has examined these corrections and considers that they are sufficient for the channelled system to function effectively.
In view of the data available, it is appropriate to permit the dispatch to other Member States of fresh pigmeat and meat preparations and meat products consisting of or containing such meat from pigs kept in Romania in accordance to the provisions laid down in this Decision, provided that the channelled system proposed by that Member State is in place.
Tuesday January 24, 2012/DOUE/ European Union.