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Romania: European Commission audit mission on ASF

On October 17th, the European Commission audit mission on African Swine Fever (ASF) started.

19 October 2018

This is the fourth time that European experts visit Romania in the last year and a half regarding ASF.

This audit mission is aimed at assessing how Romania has applied legal provisions for the early detection of outbreaks through the active and passive ASF surveillance and for preventing the spreading of the ASF virus, and the effectiveness of the official controls on animal movements and traceability.

The audit mission's agenda includes the analysis of data and official documents, discussions with representatives of the veterinary services at the central and district level, and field visits.

The opening meeting of the audit mission took place on October 17th, 2018, at the ANSVSA. On this occasion, the President of the National Veterinary and Food Safety Authority, Dr. Geronimo Brănescu and professionals of the institution informed the team of auditors of the situation of the evolution of the ASF outbreaks in our country and made available to them details of the measures implemented by the Romanian authorities to limit the effects of the disease and to prevent the spreading of the virus.

After the meeting at the ANSVSA's headquarters, the audit team visited the Institute for Diagnosis and Animal Health, and the National Reference Laboratory for ASF to assess the testing capacity and the implementation of the diagnostic methods for ASF.

European experts will travel to Braila, Tulcea and Constanta, where they will audit the work at the DSVSA's sites and their laboratories, and will also visit commercial farms, households, hunters, slaughterhouses, processing units and shopping centres that sell pork.

The conclusions of the European Commission audit mission on ASF will end on October 25th, and it will issue will a report that will be published on the European Commission website.

Thursday October 18, 2018/ ANSVSA/ Romania.

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