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Romanian scheme to support pigs producers in the context of the coronavirus pandemic

Commission approves €91 million Romanian scheme to support bovine, pigs and poultry producers in the context of the coronavirus pandemic.

27 April 2022

The European Commission has approved a €91 million (RON 453 million) Romanian scheme to support bovine, pigs and poultry producers in the context of the coronavirus pandemic.

The scheme was approved under the State Aid Temporary Framework. Under the scheme, the public support will take the form of direct grants. The measure is aimed at mitigating the liquidity shortages that the beneficiaries are facing and at addressing part of the losses they incurred due to the coronavirus pandemic and the restrictive measures that the Romanian authorities had to implement to limit the spread of the virus.

The scheme will be open to companies of all sizes active in the bovine, pig and poultry sectors. The Commission found that the Romanian scheme is in line with the conditions of the Temporary Framework. In particular, the aid (i) will not exceed €290,000 per beneficiary; and (ii) will be granted no later than 30 June 2022.

The Commission concluded that the measure is necessary, appropriate and proportionate to remedy a serious disturbance in the economy of a Member State.

26 april 2022/ EC/ European Union.

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