The Ministry of Health is preparing a new extraordinary ordinance against African swine fever in the capital, which already has 6 confirmed cases. The document will be signed by the Ministry of Health, which is also preparing a plan to control the wild boar population.
Undersecretary Andrea Costa, delegate responsible for ASF for the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza affirms that the new ordinance will expand the areas already identified with the first regional ordinance, signed by President Nicola ZIngaretti, following the first confirmed case of ASF in a wild boar found in the Insugherata Park.
She also explained that a virus eradication plan will be drawn up "which will obviously provide for the selective culling of wild boars in the territory".
Finally, the appointment of an official prefect is foreseen with the task of facilitating contacts between the Region, the Ministry of Health and the Government's Extraordinary Commissioner, Angelo Ferrari.
May 16, 2022/ Italy.