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Rusagro Group plans to supply up to 10,000 tons of pork meat to China in 2024

Rusagro Group, one of the largest Russian agricultural holdings, plans to supply up to 10,000 tons of pork meat to China in 2024.

2 September 2024

Rusagro Group, one of the largest Russian agricultural holdings, plans to supply up to 10 thousand tons of pork meat to China in 2024, and also expects to start exporting Russian compound feed to China, Alexander Tarasov, Deputy General Director, Head of the Corporate Development Directorate of the company, said during a meeting with investors. The share in the company's revenue from pork supplies to China in 2024 is estimated at 10%; in the medium term, the target share in the revenue of the export potential of the company's meat business to China and Southeast Asian countries is estimated at 30%.

August 5, 2024/ AgroExport/ Russia.

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