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Russia and China work towards the increase of the agriculture and livestock products trade

During the conversations, Mr. Alexander Tkachev and Mr. Han Changfu talked about the possibility of China adopting the regionalisation principle for the shipments of Russian pork.

21 June 2016

Last June 2nd, there a meeting was held between the Ministers of Agriculture of Russia and China, Mr. Alexander Tkachev and Mr. Han Changfu, during which they talked, among other matters, about the bilateral trade and, especially, about the problems of the Russian farming products for entering the Chinese market.

During the conversations, Mr. Alexander Tkachev and Mr. Han Changfu talked about the possibility of China adopting the regionalisation principle for the shipments of Russian pork, being this similar to the principle applied by Russia to the Chinese companies.

The Minister of Agriculture of Russia informed that Russia has submitted to China all the documents needed for shipping chicken to the Chinese market and the implementation of the regionalisation principle regarding pork.

Thursday, 2 June 2016/ Ministry of Agriculture/ Russia.

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