The cases of African swine fever in Russia are not letting up. Since the first outbreak in September 2009, there are now 159 confirmed outbreaks in the country.
According to Russian authorities, some of the main causes of the spread of the disease is the movement of the ASF virus among feral pigs in vast areas of southern and northern Caucasus, a lack of control over food debris and the established practice of using this debris as feed, the deficiencies in biosecurity systems on pig farms and the movement of meat and meat products out of the foci of infection and threatened areas.

In this sense, the Interagency Commission for the prevention of African swine fever calls for strengthening the implementation of the Plan to prevent the spread of ASF, intensifying efforts for the early detection of cases and ensuring biosafety in industrial pig farms, involving the owners of these companies.
Thursday November 17, 2011/ PigInfo/ Russia.