The event, chaired by Deputy Minister of Agriculture Maxim Uvaidov, was attended by representatives of federal executive authorities, research organizations, and industry unions.
Improving measures to prevent the spread of ASF is under special control of the Ministry. Creating a vaccine with all the properties necessary for effective protection depends directly on the depth of involvement of the scientific community in this issue. Maxim Uvaidov emphasized that the development and introduction of modern ASF vaccine into the complex of preventive anti-epizootic measures could certainly become a significant barrier to this disease.

The main causes of ASF spread are still unauthorized transportation of animals, livestock products, and raw materials; violations of the rules and regulations for pig farming by businesses and individuals; circulation of the ASF virus among wild boars and the formation of natural foci of the disease. At the end of the meeting the need to coordinate departamental activities was noted.
June 19, 2020/ Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation/ Russia.