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Russia establishes Emergency Operations Center to stop COVID-19 spread

Minister of Agriculture Dmitry Patrushev signed the Directive “On urgent measures aimed at preventing the spread of coronavirus infection”

30 March 2020

The Minister of Agriculture Dmitry Patrushev signed the Directive “On urgent measures aimed at preventing the spread of coronavirus infection”, which provides for the establishment of the ministerial EOC. The State Secretary – Deputy Minister of Agriculture Ivan Lebedev was appointed as a head of this body.

The key missions of the EOC are the coordination of functional units and subordinate institutions of the Ministry; the generation of proposals aimed at the prevention of the spread of infection within the Ministry of Agriculture units and subordinate organization; and interaction with governmental bodies and institutions responsible for sanitary and epidemiological surveillance.

Operational headquarters are also being set up in all organizations under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture. In accordance with the order, they must provide information on the current situation to the Ministry on a daily basis.

March 23, 2020/ Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation/ Russia.

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