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Russia: five new outbreaks of ASF

Russian veterinary authorities have reported five new outbreaks of African swine fever in the country's various regions.

7 December 2011

Russian veterinary authorities have reported five new outbreaks of African swine fever in the country's various regions.

The affected population consists of wild boars and pigs. The outbreaks are located in Volgogradskaya Oblast, Krasnodarskiy Oblast, Saratovskaya Oblast and Tverksaya Oblast.

In the case of wild boars, a total of 218 animals were found susceptible, out of which 11 cases were confirmed. Eleven deaths were recorded, and four of the affected animals were destroyed. In the case of swine, 263 animals showed signs of susceptibility, out of which 44 cases were confirmed.

Sunday December 5, 2011/ OIE.

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