The Deputy Head of the Rosselkhoznadzor, Russian CVO Yevgeny Nepoklonov has addressed Ladislav Miko, Deputy Director General of DG SANCO with the letter stating, in particular, that due to the detection of African swine fever in the territory of the European Union and in view of harmonizing approaches to animal product safety, and according to Council Directive 2002/99/EC of 16 December 2002 establishing animal health standards regulating production, procession, distribution and placing on the market of animal products intended for human consumption, finished pork products or products containing pork, raw material of animal origin (of porcine origin) intended for the production of feed for pets and fur animals from 6 February 2014 can be supplied from the EU plants to Russia only provided a number of conditions are complied with.
Thus, an addendum must be attached to the animal health certificate accompanying each consignment of finished products, containing raw material of animal origin and canned meat, sausages and other ready-to-eat meat products, as well as raw material of animal origin (of porcine origin) intended for the production of feed for pets and fur animals stating the following: «Finished pork products or products containing pork, as well as raw material of animal origin (of porcine origin) intended for the production of feed for pets and fur animals exported to the Russian Federation were subject to one of the following treatments:

- heat treatment in a hermetically sealed container at F0 of ≥ 3.00 (F0 — estimated damaging effect of heat on microorganisms. If F0 value is equal to 3, it means that the coldest part of a product was sufficiently heated to achieve the same damaging effect which is achieved by instantaneous heating and cooling (121°C (250°F) for 3 minutes);
- heat treatment at a core meat temperature of at least 80°C;
- heat treatment in a hermetically sealed container at 60°C during at least 4 hours with a core meat temperature of at least 70°C maintained during 30 minutes;
- natural fermentation and maturation for at least 9 months for boneless meat resulting in the following parameters: Aw — not more than 0.93 or pH — not more than 6.0;
- ham and fillet: treatment using natural fermentation and maturation for at least 190 days for a ham and 140 for fillet.»
These guarantees must be signed and stamped by the official veterinarian of an EU member issued the animal health certificate and the addendum must have the same date and number as the animal health certificate.
The procedure will be in force until the EU measures for ASF zoning and regionalization are taken with the zones to be established according to the provisions of the OIE Animal Health Code and Memorandums on zoning and regionalization for animal health purposes signed by Russia and EU in 2006.
Thursday February 6, 2014/ Rosselkhoznadzor/ Russia.