Last November 21st 2012, the Eurasian Economic Commission published its Decision 229: "On the List of Goods, which are Subject to Tariff-Rate Quotas in 2013, and the Volume of Tariff-Rate Quotas for Imports of these Goods into the Member States of the Customs Union and Common Economic Space"
According to this Decision, the Russian import tariff quotas for pig meat are set at 430,000 tons, without changes with respect to the previous year, whilst in the case of Kazakhstan they show an increase, rising from 9,400 tons in 2012 to 9,700 tons in 2013, and in the case of Belarus they fall from 60,000 tons in 2012 to 47,200 tons in 2013.

Tuesday November 27, 2012/ USDA-GAIN/ United States.