During the first half of this year, pork imports in Russia have increased by 5%, compared with the same period last year. Imports of meats from the EU increased by 7.5% rising to more than 158,000 tons. The most important EU provider is still Germany, although their volume of exports decreased by 10% compared to last year. Danish exports have remained steady with only a 1% decrease. On the other hand, a strong increase in meat exports to Russia was seen from Spain, France, Ireland and Holland.
Imports from third party countries have increased by 2%, rising to 165.5 thousand tons, following the main provider countries like Brazil, Canada and the U.S. The strong drop in Brazilian supplies (-18%) has been compensated by the increase in exports to Canada (25%) and the U.S. (48%).
Verband der Fleischwirtschaft e.V. /Germany.