Yevgeny Nepoklonov participated in Workshop on ASF Early Diagnosis, Control and Prevention. The workshop was carried out in the OIE headquarters in Paris, on the 30th of June and the 1st of July and was co-organized by the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation.
Spokesmen for the national veterinary services and international organizations reported on the first day of the workshop, the second day was devoted to presentations submitted by the hunters associations. Dr. Sanchez-Vizcaino, professor of the University of Madrid has been studying ASF for many years and knows the disease quite well (it took long 40 years to eradicate the disease in Spain), Jose Sanchez-Vizcaino paid special attention to the analysis of ASF vectors. Alongside with wild boars he also indicated spread of the disease via blood particles. The risks increase in summer since more disease vectors occur, such as insects (flies and ticks) that are capabale of transferring viable virus in blood drops for a 2-3-km distance and finally reinfect the animals via bites.

Yevgeny Nepoklonov reported on the latest research data aimed at comparing ASF virus isolates recovered in Russia in 2008 and in 2014 and came to the conclusion on the virus mutation resulting in prolonged incubation period (from 5 to 25 days) and general prolongation of the disease caused by different virus isolates. The conclusion is that the number of boars that can be potentially infected by one affected animal is growing. In addition to it, he reported on the reasons and routes of the disease introduction to Russia, on the spread vectors and on the measures taken to control the disease. A special government-regulated programme was developed and close cooperation was established between the national veterinary services of Russia and other governmental bodies. The result of the programme implementation: number of disease outbreaks has been reduced from 200 in 2013 down to 22 reported during the recent 6 months of 2014.
Tuesday July 1, 2014/ Rosselkhoznadzor/ Russia.