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Russia lifts the temporary restrictions on the import of Canadian pig breeding stock

Given DEP's favourable development in Canada, Russia has decided to allow again the import of pig breeding stock from Canada.

5 May 2015

Considering the results of the analysis carried out by the Rosselkohznadzor on the measures taken by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) to prevent the emergence and spread of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhoea (PED) in Canada, Russia's Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance has decided to allow again the import of pig breeding stock from Canada to Russia. The decision took effect on Monday April 27, 2015.

These animals may be imported provided that:

  • they come from establishments free from PED over the last six months;
  • all animals have tested negative as carriers of DEPv during the quarantine period.

The Rosselkhoznadzor has also asked the CFIA to report on the development of the situation of PED in Canada, as well as on the measures taken to prevent the spread of the disease.

Monday, April 27, 2015 / Rosselkhoznadzor / Russia.

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