
Russia - Measures preventing FMD introduction into the Russian Federation

Due to an outbreak of FMD in the Akmolinskaya Oblast of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation has taken several measures.
23 June 2010
Due to an outbreak of FMD in the Akmolinskaya Oblast of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation has taken several measures.

The following measures shall be immediately taken:
1. Control of vehicles transporting livestock consignments from the Republic of Kazakhstan to the RF shall be enhanced
2. Collection and disposal of separations (including food waste) shall be controlled in the international sea and air ports, at border railway and auto stations.
3. Complete veterinary examination shall be provided for controlled consignments transported from the Republic of Kazakhstan by all modes of transport (including hand luggage, luggage, posting) in order to prevent banned products from coming into the Russian Federation.
4. Disinfection and washing units at border checkpoints used for veterinary and sanitary treatment of motor transport shall be made operational.
5. Control of motor transport entering the Russian Federation from the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be enhanced only after disinfection of its running gear.
6. Disinfection barriers for treating footwear of passengers coming from the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be kept in working order by the checkpoint administrations.
7. Strict border control of movements of farm animals, products and raw materials of animal origin, forage shall be provided in the RF Subjects bordering on Kazakhstan.
8. Increase veterinary and sanitary security on livestock farms.
9. Arrange, if necessary, isolated keeping of animals that uncontrollably crossed the state border between the RF of the Republic of Kazakhstan or were returned from the adjacent territory. Usage of such animals is regulated by the Rosselkhoznadzor territorial administration.
10. Arrange random blood sampling from FMD susceptible animals in the RF Subjects bordering on the Republic of Kazakhstan for further FMD monitoring in the FGI ARRIAH (Vladimir).
11. Inform heads of transport companies that it is inadmissible to throw out died animals, food waste, litters and feed leftovers (while being transported from the Republic of Kazakhstan) in the RF territory.
12. Establish strict veterinary control of animal keeping in holdings of all forms of ownership located within a 20-kilometer radius of sea ports, air-ports, railway and auto stations, plants processing imported products and animal raw materials and companies dealing with foreign tourists.
13. It shall be banned to use food wastes as animal feed, they shall be destroyed under control of checkpoint administration during international transportation from the Republic of Kazakhstan by air, by sea, by train, by car.
14. Use widely the mass media for educating people on FMD prophylaxis. The Rosselkhoznadzor licences earlier issued for import of livestock into Russia from Kazakhstan shall be suspended until the epidemic situation on FMD in the Republic of Kazakhstan is specified.


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