
Russia - Minister of Agriculture take measures aimed at eradication of further spread of ASF

Videoconference Devoted to Eradication of New ASF Outbreaks in the Territory of the Russian Federation Held at the Initiative of Elena Skrynnik, RF Minister of Agriculture.
18 January 2011
Videoconference Devoted to Eradication of New ASF Outbreaks in the Territory of the Russian Federation Held at the Initiative of Elena Skrynnik, RF Minister of Agriculture.

Live videoconference was held between Moscow and Heads of Administrations of Agro-Industrial Complex and veterinary services of the Leningradskaya, Rostovskaya Oblasts, the Stavropolskiy Krai and Saint-Petersburg – regions where AFS outbreaks had been detected earlier and recently.

As Elena Skrynnik noted, at the present time it is necessary to take antiepidemic measures aimed at eradication of further spread of ASF and to enhance measures aimed at prevention of occurrence of this dangerous animal disease.

According to the protocol decision signed by the Minister in the result of the videoconference, executive authorities of Saint-Petersburg, the Stavropolskiy Krai and the Leningradskaya Oblast recommend the following:

- to take prompt measures aimed at containment of ASF outbreaks, to find out the reasons for inefficiency of the work aimed at prevention of introduction and spread of the ASF virus, establishment and elimination of reasons for incomplete fulfillment of the recommendations given by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, the Rosselkhoznadzor and the Interdepartmental Commission on Prevention of ASF Spread through the Territory of the Russian Federation;
- to enhance the control of registration and movements of pigs in private backyards and farms in the territory of the Stavropolskiy Krai, to take all the necessary measures aimed at prompt transfer of these categories of holdings to alternative livestock farming trends other than pig breeding (cattle breeding, sheep breeding, poultry breeding);
- taking into account the special status of Saint-Petersburg (border seaport city, transit transport hub) and the economic importance of this region, to ban keeping and breeding of pigs in holdings of all types and in private backyards within the limits of Saint-Petersburg;
- to take measures aimed at assurance of timely disposal of biological wastes, first of all in cases of pigs’ death (including those from ASF), to assign administrative territories to disposal plants, to develop a mechanism of notification of economic entities about their assignment to biowaste disposal plants, to ensure notification of people and businessmen;
- to promptly forward materials on facts of dead pigs’ detections in the Leningradskaya Oblast and occurrence of ASF outbreaks in Saint-Petersburg and the Stavropolskiy Krai to internal affairs bodies and the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation;
- to ensure notification of people through mass media about imposition of administrative and criminal sanctions on persons found responsible for actions (non-action) that caused occurrence of ASF outbreaks and ASF spread;
- to ensure work of 24-hour guard quarantine posts along the automobile roads going out of the affected ASF districts of Saint-Petersburg;
- to adopt in the Leningradskaya Oblast a regulatory act forbidding keeping pigs in private backyards and pig producing farms with non-compliant closed operation mode and in the Tosnenskiy, Gatchinskiy, Luzhskiy Rayons of the Leningradskaya Oblast and in the zone within a radius of 5 km from Federal Roads M-10, M-18, M-20 in the territory of other rayons of the Leningradskaya Oblast before the situation due to ASF spread improves;
- to notify the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation about the taken measures before February 1, 2011.

On the whole, the RF Subjects should ensure strict observance of the recommendations given earlier by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, the Rosselkhoznadzor and the Interdepartmental Commission concerning in particular the monitoring of ASF situation in domestic pigs and wild boars, provision of close confinement of pigs in private backyards and farms, work of large pig breeding plants in closed operation mode, detection and prevention of illegal movement of pigs, porcine products and feeds for animals by all kinds of transport.

In addition, executive bodies of the RF Subjects should ensure notification of people of the ASF hazard level and its potential impart, actions of animal owners in cases of ASF suspicion through mass media.

According to departmental statistics, 59 ASF-affected sites were registered in the territory of the Southern and the North-Caucasian Federal Districts in 2010.

Taking into account the gravity of the situation and the possible economic damage done to the domestic pig breeding industry, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation has developed a draft Federal target program aimed at ASF eradication in the territory of the Russian Federation.


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