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Russia: Positive balance of the agricultural sector in 2016

Livestock and fowl production increased by 3.5%, especially due to the rise in pig and poultry production.

7 June 2017

The Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation has handed over to the Government a report on the results of the agricultural sector in 2016, that has had a grow in terms of the national production and that has allowed to carry on, successfully, with the imports substitution process, as well as with an increase in agricultural exports, according to the information published by the Ministry of Agriculture of Spain in its foreign news gazette.

The agricultural production grew by 5% in 2016. The cereal harvest exceeded 120 million tonnes, and there were record harvests of wheat, maize, sunflower, soybean, fruit and vegetables. Russia was the first producer of sugar beet in the world, and this has allowed the production of 6 million tonnes of sugar and the exportation of 100,000 tonnes.

Livestock and fowl production increased by 3.5%, especially due to the rise in pig and poultry production. Regarding the imports, they fell by 6%, with lower imports of meat (-16%), chicken (-12%), fish (-10%), apples (-10%) and fresh vegetables (-28%).

In the current structure of imports, dairy products represent 7%, beef 4.5%, fish and shellfish 5.6% and vegetables and fruit 5.6%.

Food and agriculture exports have grown by 5%, with a value of USD17,000 million, with a rise in the exports of wheat, maize, rise, soybean and vegetables oils, as well as pork and chicken.

The goal for 2017 is to keep the national products growing trend, increase their competitiveness and make their exports grow.

Thursday, 11 May 2017/ MAPAMA/ Spain.

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