According to the information published in the foreign news journal of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, the Russian Agricultural Marketing Institute has presented a paper on the meat market in the Russian Federation during year 2012, and it highlights that the production has increased by 3.5%, the consumption is 66 kg per capita/year, and the average prices have increased by 10%.
In the swine sector the growth has been a 4%, and in the case of the chicken sector it has been a 6%. The growth rates in the swine and fowl sectors have been lower than those in year 2011 that were 7.2% and 12% respectively. This drop is attributed to the adhesion to the WTO in August and to the stoppage of investment projects that are waiting for the final result of the negotiations.
The prospects handled by the Institute expect a growth by 15% of pig meat in years 2014-2015. In the case of chicken, a growth by 10% is expected in year 2013, and in the case of beef, it would drop by 2%.
With respect to prices, with an average increase by 10% in year 2012, chicken price has increased by 13%, and that of pork and beef has increased by 8% and 10% respectively.
The imports, according to the data of the Ministry of Agriculture, have increased, as an average, by 8.8% in volume, reaching 1.8 million tons. This increase is considered as a consequence of the adhesion of Russia to the WTO. In terms of pork they grew by 10%, and in the case of beef by 4.3%.
The predictions for year 2013 consider that the growth of the total meat imports will be by 8-9%. Since year 2006 the meat imports have been dropping: in year 2006 a 33% of the total was imported, and in year 2012 it was a 14%. In the case of chicken this rate is an 8%, in the case of pork a 14%, and in the case of beef a 25%.
With respect to the consumption of meat, the average in year 2012 has been 66 kg per capita/year, whilst in year 2006 it was 52 kg per capita/year. The prospects for year 2013 point to 70 kg per capita/year. Chicken consumption is 27 kg, pork consumption is 23 kg, and beef consumption is 16 kg. In the case of beef, the market capacity is stabilized.
Thursday February 7, 2013/ MAGRAMA-Boletín de Noticias del Exterior/ Spain.