Deputy Head of the Rosselkhoznadzor Yevgeny Nepoklonov addressed to Director of the Moldavian National Food Safety Agency Ion Sula with a letter which among other things reads that the Rosselkhoznadzor detected a serious violation of the CU and Russian requirements committed during export of RTE meat products produced by Establishment SC Carne Sud SRL and accompanied by veterinary certificate AS2*NG000129NG of March 28, 2014.
During the veterinary control it was established that the part of the products was marked with the numbers of the EU establishments subject to temporary restrictions and not indicated in the veterinary documents for that consignment (BELGIE 17 EG, BELGIE 125 EG). Moreover the veterinary certificate had an attachment which guaranteed that the products had been produced using raw materials from German establishment (DE RP-EZ 306 EG). In fact the products were marked with the labels of the Republic of Moldova indicating SC Carne Sud SRL as a producer. Besides during the documentary check it was revealed that number of packages indicated in the certificate (4) did not coincide with the real number (26). All abovementioned facts are a serious violation of animal health requirements and standards of the Customs Union.

The Rosselkhoznadzor requests to investigate the case and inform it as soon as possible about the results of the investigation. At the same time the Rosselkhoznadzor requests to suspend the certification of processed meat products exported from Moldavia to Russia immediately after the abovementioned letter is received. In case products with analogous violations are delivered into the RF territory they will be returned to Moldavia. In order to prevent such cases in future the Rosselkhoznadzor requests to inform people responsible for the preparation of veterinary accompanying documents for products to be exported to the Customs Union and Moldavian plants interested in export of their products to the CU that pursuant to p.6.11 of the Regulation on the common procedure of veterinary control at the customs border of the Customs Union and in the customs territory of the Customs Union approved by Decision of the CU Commission No. 317 of June 18, 2010 the importer shall comply with the requirements of the CU veterinary legislation when importing regulated products.
Monday April 7, 2014/ Rosselkhoznadzor/ Russia.