
Russia - Temporary restrictions on import of breeding animals from a number of Danish farms

In 2010 the Rosselkhoznadzor authorized import of 1360 breeding pigs from Denmark to the Belgorodskaya Oblast. The animals were imported in three consignments accompanied with phytosanitary certificates issued by the National Veterinary Service of Denmark according to which the animals were clinically healthy. 320 animals with lesions on legs and limp were detected in the course of the daily clinical examination in the quarantine period.
24 November 2010
In 2010 the Rosselkhoznadzor authorized import of 1360 breeding pigs from Denmark to the Belgorodskaya Oblast. The animals were imported in three consignments accompanied with phytosanitary certificates issued by the National Veterinary Service of Denmark according to which the animals were clinically healthy. 320 animals with lesions on legs and limp were detected in the course of the daily clinical examination in the quarantine period.

The experts made a conclusion that the lesions on their legs were of infectious nature and the veterinary specialists of Denmark agreed with them. Some animals died. Microorganisms of genus Mycoplasma and Chlamydiaceae were detected in the pathological material; the dysentery agent T. hyodysenteria was isolated in the course of microscopic examination.

Taking into account the major violations of the animal health requirements and standards of Russia made by the veterinary service of Denmark in export of breeding pigs, the Rosselkhoznadzor considered it appropriate to impose temporary restrictions on import of breeding animals from a number of Danish farms to Russia.


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