The leader, with a wide margin, still was Miratorg, with 11.5% of the total industrial pork production in Russia. Last year, Miratorg increased its production by 6%, reaching 409,000 tonnes (live weight). The second place was held by Rusagro, with 190,000 tonnes and an increase by 1% with respect to 2015, representing 5.3% of the total industrial pork production in Russia. Behind, and with an increase by 9%, reaching 184,800 tonnes, was Cherkizovo.
A total of 20 companies produce, as a whole, more than 60% of the industrial pork production, or 48% of the total pork production of Russia.

According to the Minister of Agriculture, in 206 Russia produced 4.35 million tonnes of pork, with an increase by 9% with respect to 2015, whilst the number of pigs rose by 2.5%, reaching 22.03 million. At the same time, in the last 4 years, the production structure has changed, going from 62% of the production by companies and 36% by small farms in 2012 to 89.1% of the pig production by companies versus 18% on small farms.
The Government estimates that in 2020, the pig production by big companies will reach 86% of the total production, whilst the share of the small producers will drop to 13%, whilst it is expected that pork production will reach 4.95 million tonnes and the pig population will rise to 24.46 million animals.
Wednesday, 15 February 2017/ Agroinvestor/ Russia.