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Russia to restrict exports of oilseeds and oil products

The Ministry of Agriculture has proposed introducing non-tariff quotas on the export of sunflower oil and meal from April 15 to August 31, 2022.

7 April 2022

In order to protect the Russian domestic market and meet the needs of processing enterprises, the subcommittee on customs and tariff regulation supported the measures proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture to stabilize the situation on the market for oilseeds and their processed products.

Currently, against the backdrop of a sharp increase in world prices for sunflower oil and oilseeds, there is an increased demand for Russian products. This entails the risk of a significant increase in Russian exports which could compromise the needs of the domestic market.

The considered initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture contains a number of measures of customs-tariff and non-tariff regulation. In particular, the agency proposes to introduce non-tariff quotas for the export of sunflower oil (in the amount of 1.5 million tons) and sunflower meal (700 thousand tons) from April 15 to August 31, 2022. It is envisaged that they will be distributed among manufacturers on a historical basis. In addition, it is planned to establish a temporary ban on the export of sunflower and rapeseed seeds from April 1 to August 31 this year.

Taking into account the growing global demand for soybeans and products of its processing, which are significant for the livestock industry, the Ministry considers it appropriate to limit the number of checkpoints through which the export of these products is possible. For soybean meal, it is proposed to keep only the sea checkpoint in the Kaliningrad region, and for soybeans - checkpoints in the Far Eastern Federal District.

As First Deputy Minister of Agriculture Oksana Lut emphasized, this set of measures will eliminate the possibility of a shortage and an abrupt increase in the cost of raw materials and socially significant products in the face of a significant increase in demand and world food prices.

March 31, 2022/ Ministry of Agriculture/ Russia.

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