The aid will be given to the farms designed to house 2,400 sows at least, with an annual productive capacity of 50,000 pigs. This production shall be reached a year after the establishment of the farm, at the most.
The Ministry committed to give special aids to those farms that become established in the north end of the country, north of the Arctic Circle, without human population and under extreme weather conditions where the production of pork is almost absent for obvious reasons. In this region, the aids will be given for the establishment of pig farms with at least 100 sows and an annual productive capacity of 3,000 pigs, and the investors will have 2 years to reach this production level.

The main catalyst for the growth of pig production is the expansion of the relationship with China. Currently, China is the main buyer of Russian food, but due to the great demand of pork in China, there are enormous opportunities for increasing the exports.
Thursday, 2 March 2017 / Piginfo/ Rusia.