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Russian meat exports exceeded $200 million in first quarter of 2021

Export revenue rose 14% to $207 million, of which pork accounted for 45%.

25 May 2021

According to the Federal Customs Service, in January-March 2021* Russia shipped 120 thousand tons of meat to foreign markets, which is 7.9% more than in the same period last year. Export revenue increased by 14% to $207 million, of which 45% was pork, 37% poultry, and 16% beef.

Pork shipments drove the growth, increasing 31% in physical volume to 48,000 tons and 59% in value to $93 million on the back of increased exports to Vietnam. This growth is explained by the low base of the beginning of last year, when Russia just started supplies to this Asian country. Yuri Kovalev, general director of the National Union of Pork Producers, commented to Agroexport. "In general, Q1 sales are at the level of Q3 and Q4 of 2020. In the first quarter of last year, deliveries to Vietnam were just beginning: as of January 1, only two Russian enterprises had access to the Vietnamese market, while by September there were already 20," Kovalev noted.

According to him, the demand from Vietnam is now stable, while in other directions the shipment volumes are about the same as last year. "Unless there are any emergencies of epidemiological and macroeconomic nature, we forecast Russian exports of pork and by-products in the range of 200-230 thousand tons by the end of 2021," Kovalev added.

According to the Federal Center "Agroexport", the export of pork (including by-products) by 2025 could reach 320 thousand tons (+59% by 2020) due to the strengthening of the market position in Vietnam and the prospects for the opening of new directions - especially the South-East Asia, such as the Philippines. However, the opening of the Chinese market for supplies of Russian pork products is not included in the forecast due to the country's strict position with regard to veterinary requirements and the presence of successful, long-term relations with other major exporting countries.

*Inclusive of FCS data on EAEU for January-March

May 20, 2021/ Agroexport/ Russia.

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