Minister of Agriculture Dmitry Patrushev held a meeting on the current situation in the pork industry. In attendance were Ministry and industry representatives.
According to the Minister, the current situation for pork production is generally positive. According to the forecast by the Ministry of Agriculture, this year will see positive dynamics and production will exceed 5.5 million tons in live weight.

At the same time, there is an increase in prices on the market, primarily due to an increase in the cost of production, particularly in feed costs. A number of decisions were made to level out the rise in feed costs. Customs duties have been introduced on the export of major grain and oil crops. There has been subsidized transportation of soybean meal from the Far East, Siberia, and Kaliningrad to the central regions of the country. The list of short-term lending areas is supplemented by the purchase of feed and its components. In addition, preferential investment loans for enterprises affected by ASF in 2020 and subsequent years have been prolonged. These measures taken allowed the situation to stabilize and producer price adjustment was observed in the summer period.
Processors present at the meeting expressed concern over the current price dynamics and suggested considering the possibility of introducing a quota for duty-free import of pork. However, representatives from industry unions and key pig producers didn't find this necessary and expressed confidence in the prompt stabilization of prices due to the seasonal factor.
The issue of serious disease outbreaks in a number of regions was also considered. The Russian Ministry of Agriculture and veterinary authorities are working closely with regional authorities to control the situation and are employing a clear regulatory system that includes regionalization, compartmentalization, rules for keeping pigs and controlling their diseases, along with electronic records of the movement of animals and products.
Following the results of the meeting, Dmitry Patrushev ordered an action plan to be prepared aimed at stabilization of the situation in the pork industry.
September 29, 2021/ Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation/ Russia.