Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a growing human and economic threat in Viet Nam with the increasing and uncontrolled use of antibiotics in the health system and in veterinary medicine, and for growth promotion and disease prevention in agriculture, horticulture, livestock, aquaculture.
Limited regulations of antibiotic use in the feed and the livestock sector in Vietnam is controversial issue, as the misuse of antimicrobials had led to an increasing concern about the large amount of antibiotics that are entering the food chain and could promote bacterial resistance and result in less efficient antibiotic treatments for human and animal diseases. This has also contributed to challenges associated with international trade.

Therefore, in order to technically support the Government of Viet Nam with the formation of policy guidelines on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), the first workshop on the management and use of antibiotics and antimicrobials in the livestock sector is being held in Da Nang. This workshop organized by the Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD) of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Viet Nam in collaboration with the Departments of Livestock Production and Animal Health, within the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD).
This workshop brings together experts from both public and private sectors, varying from animal health researchers and policy makers to business enterprises of animal feed and veterinary drugs. Six international experts from South Korea, Netherlands, United States, and China will also share their experience on antimicrobial use in livestock production and the lessons learned in planning, field implementation, regulations, and enforcement.
Friday October 30, 2015/ FAO.