Santa Catarina exported 53,800 tons of pork (fresh, processed, and offal) in July - down 9.7% on the previous month's exports, but up 4.9% compared to July 2022. Revenues amounted to US$133.4 million, down 11.4% on the previous month, but up 8.1% from July 2022.
From January to July, the state exported 373,800 tons of pork, with revenues of US$927.0 million - increases of 13.1% and 22.9%, respectively, compared to the same period in 2022.

The positive results for this period are due to the growth in shipments to almost all buyers, especially China (2.4% in quantity and 14.3% in value), the Philippines (19.9% and 32.6%) and Chile (82.3% and 105.5%), the three main destinations.
Santa Catarina accounted for 56.3% of the revenue and 54.9% of the volume of pork exported by Brazil this year. According to data from the Santa Catarina Integrated Agricultural Development Company (Cidasc), from January to July this year, 10.5 million pigs were produced in Santa Catarina and sent for slaughter - an increase of 4.7% compared to the same period in 2022.
August 22, 2023/ EPAGRI/ Brazil.