In 2021, the value of Santa Catarina's agricultural and livestock production was the highest in history at R$55.8 billion, surpassing the previous record set in 2020 by 36.4%. Santa Catarina agribusiness also broke another record in exports: the exported value reached US$6.9 billion, 21% higher than in 2020 and almost 10% higher than in 2018, which had been the previous record.
In 2021, the sum of the production value of the four most important products represented 62.3% of the state's agricultural and livestock production value, with pigs having the largest share (22.9%).
As shown by data from the Integrated Agricultural Development Company of Santa Catarina (Cidasc), 15.93 million pigs were produced in the state in 2021, 8.72% more than in the previous year.
Another important link in the Santa Catarina hog raising chain is the production of piglets for fattening in other units of the federation. In 2021, 623.6 thousand piglets were produced in Santa Catarina and sent to other states, a 39.26% increase over the previous year.
Santa Catarina is the biggest national exporter of pork, being responsible for 53.37% of the revenues and 51.74% of the quantity shipped by the country in 2021. These results represent historical records in pork exports from the state, both in value and quantity.
June 9, 2022/ EPAGRI/ Brazil.