The plan to convert 100% of Santa Catarina's pig waste into energy and biogas over the next 10 years will be one of the most challenging actions of FIESC's (Federation of Industries of the State of Santa Catarina) Decarbonization Hub in 2025. The pilot program will reach 40 pig farmers and already has the support of the largest agro-industries, as well as equipment suppliers, energy and biomethane gas purchasing companies, financiers, and other interested segments.
For the industrial sector in general, the opportunities for decarbonization lie in heat generation or refrigeration systems, business travel, waste, fleet management, and energy consumption.

FIESC's Decarbonization Hub articulates a series of projects and services to support the industrial sector, including the preparation of decarbonization programs aimed at chains of interest, sectoral and individual GHG inventories, and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) programs. Other services are planned for 2025, such as the decarbonization journey, the energy atlas of Santa Catarina, and postgraduate courses.
December 13, 2024/ FIESC/ Brazil.