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Brazil: Santa Catarina sees increase in pork exports

Santa Catarina remains Brazil's largest pork exporter, accounting for 54.2% of the total.

25 October 2023

The total value of pork and chicken exports from Santa Catarina, both fresh and processed, in the first nine months of 2023 reached US$ 2.95 billion. The figures were released by the Ministry of Economy and analyzed by the Center for Socioeconomics and Agricultural Planning (Epagri/Cepa).

From January to September, the state exported 491,700 tons of pork, with revenues of US$ 1.20 billion. Compared to the same period in 2022, there was an increase of 10.2% in terms of volume and 15.9% in terms of value. As a result, Santa Catarina remains the country's largest pork exporter, as it was responsible for 54.2% of the quantity and 56.2% of the revenue from Brazilian exports this year.

There was also an increase in pork shipments to almost all the main buyers. Particularly noteworthy were the Philippines (up 27.4% in quantity and 37.3% in revenue), Chile (59.2% and 68.1%), and Japan (49.6% and 30.8%). On the other hand, China, the main destination for pork from Santa Catarina, reduced its purchases (-11% in quantity and -5.6% in revenue). As a result, China's share of pork purchases from Santa Catarina fell from 46.9% of total exports from January to September 2022 to 37.9% in the same period this year.

October 18, 2023/ EPAGRI/ Brazil.

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