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Brazil: Santa Catarina's pork exports set a record in July

Pork exports from Santa Catarina set a record in July with the best result since 1997.

21 August 2024

Pork exports from Santa Catarina reached a record high in July, with a 30.7% increase in the volume of shipments and a 35.7% increase in revenue compared to June. These are the best monthly results in the entire historical series, since 1997, in terms of both value and volume. The data comes from the Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade and Services (MDIC), analyzed by the Center for Socioeconomics and Agricultural Planning (Epagri/Cepa) and available at the Santa Catarina Agricultural Observatory.

The state exported 72,800 tons of pork (fresh, processed, and offal), with revenues of US$ 174.9 million. Performance compared to July 2023 was up by 35.5% in volume and 31.2% in revenue. “Santa Catarina was responsible for 56.1% of the volume and 58% of the revenue from Brazilian pork exports in the first seven months of this year,” says the Secretary of State for Agriculture and Livestock, Valdir Colatto.

According to Alexandre Giehl, an analyst at Epagri/Cepa, practically all the main destinations had increased shipments in July compared to the previous month, especially the Philippines (up 93.0% in volume and 104.8% in revenue) and Japan (12.8% and 17.1%).

August 7, 2024/ Santa Catarina Government /Brazil.

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