In May, Santa Catarina exported 54.0 thousand tons of pork (fresh, processed, and offal), a decrease of 4.6% in relation to the previous month's exports, but a 16.1% increase compared to May 2022. Revenue was US$139.5 million, down 1.4% compared to the previous month and up 24.1% compared to May 2022.
So far this year, the state has exported 260.7 thousand tons of pork, with revenues of US$643.6 million, up 14.0% and 27.0%, respectively, compared to the same period in 2022. Santa Catarina was responsible for 56.5% of the revenue and 55.1% of the volume of pork exported by Brazil this year.

According to Cidasc data, collected by Epagri/Cepa and published in the Observatório Agro Catarinense, from January to May of this year 7.40 million pigs were produced in Santa Catarina and sent for slaughter, a 4.8% increase in relation to the same period in 2022. Of the animals produced in the period, 90.6% were slaughtered in Santa Catarina, with the rest going to slaughterhouses located in other states.
June 22, 2023/ EPAGRI/ Brazil.