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Short-term outlook for EU cereals and oilseeds

EU cereal production is the lowest in the last decade and the EU oilseed production decreases.

21 October 2024

The 2024/25 EU cereal production is estimated at 260.9 million t, around 7% below the 5-year average and down 3% from the previous year. EU cereal production is the lowest in the last decade due to adverse weather conditions affecting yields and quality of harvested grains, and in part to a reduction in cultivated area (4% below the 5-year average). Soft wheat and maize are the most affected, while oats, barley, and durum wheat production increase. The reduced domestic production could result in lower EU cereal exports. EU cereal exports are 13% below the 5-year average while imports remain 7.5% above the 5-year average. Domestic demand of animal feed remains stable with ample availability of feed wheat for EU livestock producers.

The EU oilseed production in 2024/25 is expected at 29.7 million t (-8% year-on-year), due to a reduction of rapeseed cultivated area and adverse weather conditions affecting sunflower seeds. By contrast, soya bean production increases, reflecting an increase of cultivated area (+11% year on year). The EU oilseeds trade balance remains negative, while EU imports of oilseed meals is -5% year-on-year. Protein crops production increases by 12.6% year-on-year, driven by field peas and broad beans.

October 8, 2024/ European Commission/ European Union. https://agriculture.ec.europa.eu/

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