Sigma Alimentos, has presented before the Spanish Stock Market National Commission (CNMV) through a subsidiary company controlled in its entirety by Sigma, a full takeover bid for 100% of the shares of Campofrío Food Group, a company that is leader in the sector of cold cuts in Europe, for €6.80 per share.
The Offer will come into effect once the corresponding approval by the CNMV has been obtained. As a part of the transaction, Sigma has signed purchase agreements with certain Campofrío stockholders that, on the whole, own 45.8% of the capital.

Pedro Ballvé, member of the family that founded Campofrío, will co-invest with Sigma in order to participate as stockholder and president of the Board of the Company.
Sigma is the leader in both the cold cuts market in North America and in the cheese market in Mexico. Campofrío is the biggest cold cuts company in Europe, leader in the majority of the markets in which it works, with a portfolio of very renowned brands and a vast net of production plants in eight countries.
Thursday, November 14 2013 - Sigma alimentos/ Mexico