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Singapore market opens up to Portuguese pork

FILPORC is actively seeking to open up other markets, particularly in Asia.

10 October 2024

The Singaporean market has been officially opened to exports of pork and processed products originating in Portugal. This process is the culmination of work carried out by FILPORC in cooperation with all the official bodies involved.

Following a process that began around three years ago within the scope of FILPORC's - the Interprofessional Organization of the Pork Industry - duties in internationalization and commercial diplomacy, this September saw the official confirmation of the opening of the Singaporean market to Portuguese pork and processed products.

This is an important export market because, although Singapore is a small Asian country with around 5 million inhabitants, it acts as a distribution platform for all of Asia. Portuguese operators expect this new market to account for exports of around 50 million euros a year by 2025.

Singapore is only 20% self-sufficient in pork, so it has strong import needs for this food product. The main trading partners have been Brazil, Australia, Germany, Spain, and the Netherlands.

FILPORC has been working with the official authorities and establishing important contacts with commercial operators, so in addition to opening up the market, bilateral contacts have already been established between Portuguese industrialists and Singaporean importers, and the subsequent process is also well advanced.

The export process will be carried out on a pre-listing basis, so companies interested in exporting must apply to the DGAV for a letter of commitment, so that the company can be considered qualified to do so.

The intervention of the Portuguese Embassy in Singapore, the Ministry of Agriculture and, in particular, the Directorate General for Food and Veterinary Science, was fundamental in concluding this process.

Newsletter Suinicultura nº 624/ FPAS/ Portugal.

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