According to the State Statistical Office, 1.25 million pigs were kept in Baden-Württemberg on May 3 of this year. Compared to the survey in May 2023, this represents a decrease of 23,000 pigs (-2%), a much less severe decrease compared to the three previous years ranging from -6% to -10%. The decrease in the number of pig farms was also less pronounced than in previous years, falling 3% to 1,490. In 2023, more than a tenth of farms closed compared to the previous year.
The number of breeding sows stabilized, increasing slightly by 1% to 103,900 animals. This was mainly influenced by the 3,600-head increase in the number of gilts not yet pregnant (13,800 animals). While the numbers of young pigs (-10%) and finishing pigs (-4%) were below the previous year's level, more piglets (+4%) were housed again. As of the reporting date, there were 447,200 piglets, 183,700 young pigs, and 509,700 finishing pigs in local barns.
June 14, 2024/ Baden-Württemberg State Statistical Office/ Germany.