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Spain: Slight decrease in pig slaughter

In the first half of the year pig slaughter decreased by 0.83%.

16 September 2024

The Spanish swine industry reported decreased slaughter numbers for June 2024 compared to June 2023. According to the latest data, the total number of animals slaughtered fell by 8.37%, from 4,256,754 in June 2023 to 3,900,268 in June 2024. The autonomous community of Catalonia experienced a significant decrease of 12.57%, while Aragon saw a reduction of 5.28%.

The cumulative slaughter from January to June 2024 saw a more moderate decline of 0.83% nationally, reflecting a more stable trend throughout the first half of the year. However, variations between regions show marked differences. For example, Catalonia, which accounts for a large proportion of pig slaughter, saw a drop of 1.24% in the first half of the year, while in contrast, Aragon saw a 2.61% increase.

Remember, you can find this and other data in our pig production data section.

September 6, 2024/ 333 staff with MAPA data.

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