The owner of the pig farm located in Waryong-myun found FMD suspicious clinical signs in the herds and reported the incident to the local veterinary service on 26 November 2010. The local veterinary service conducted tests on the same day using the penside test kit and the results were negative. On 28 November, the owner of the same farm noticed blisters and ulcers in his herds and similar signs in the adjacent pig farm, and reported the incident to the National Veterinary Research & Quarantine Service (NVRQS). The NVRQS received samples from the two farms in question, and confirmed FMD positive using both antigen detection ELISA and RT-PCR tests on 29 November. The serotype will be confirmed pending further testing. Various disease control measures have been implemented in those farms including movement restrictions, disinfection, stamping-out and epidemiological investigation has been started.