The Ministers of Agriculture of Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile signed six statements during the closing ceremony of the 36th meeting of the Consejo Agropecuario del Sur (CAS) last Friday in Buenos Aires.
The subjects of the documents are based on the common perspective in the region regarding the maximum residues limits, and with respect to the antimicrobial resistances they make reference to a regulatory convergence, access to phytogenetic resources, genetic edition techniques, and the access into the markets of genetically modified organisms.

During the meeting, the Minister of Agriculture of Brazil, Mr Blairo Maggi, also suggested to the CAS countries to strengthen the control of Classical and African swine fever after the rise of ASF in Eastern Europe, Russia and China. The alert is great, so the disease does not arrive to the South American continent.
Friday, September, 21st, 2018/ MAPA/ Brazil.