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Argentina: Soybean losses expected due to heat wave

Due to the sustained heat wave, approximately 10% of the planted area for second crop soybeans will be lost in the core area.

13 February 2024

An estimated 100,000 ha of soybeans were lost. The heat wave lasted fourteen days, and in just two weeks the crop condition deteriorated from large yellowing areas to large areas with plant death or that are about to perish.

In the last 7 days, the condition of second crop soybeans plummeted: excellent conditions disappeared, and fair to poor conditions increased by 33%, totaling 500,000 hectares, of which 100,000 hectares were lost due to irreversible stress symptoms. Forty percent of the area is still in good condition and another 10% is in very good condition. Second crop soybeans, given the consumption of reserves to be planted after wheat, are the most vulnerable crop to this heat and water stress.

That is why they say that there are losses that will not be recovered even if it rains well since there is plant death by scorching. In the areas hit hard by the heat it is very important to evaluate what the post-rain recovery will be.

For soybeans, the amount of rainfall this weekend is key. A high percentage of the crop is in bloom (45%) and this is the portion that causes more concern.

February 8, 2024/ Rosario Stock Exchange/ Argentina.

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