From June 15 until September 15, the action plan to control the temperature in the transport of live animals during the summer has been activated. The measures affect movements to both European Union (EU) Member States and non-EU countries, including road transport to the ports of Cartagena and Tarragona for export that last more than 8 hours, and transport in roll-on/roll-off vessels to the Canary Islands.
Community regulations establish that for long journeys of live animals by road (horses, cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs), a temperature range of 5º C to 30º C must be maintained inside the vehicle, with a tolerance of +/- 5º C depending on the outside temperature. Therefore, the vehicle must be equipped with a temperature control and recording system.
The relevant authority at the place of origin shall verify that the temperature forecasts during the planned trip will remain within the ranges established by Community regulations. If this is not the case, it shall inform the organizer that the travel plan must be modified, as travel will not be authorized if the forecast temperature is expected to exceed 35ºC.
In addition, once the movement has been authorized, the relevant authority shall request that the organizer return the mandatory logbook and send the temperatures recorded throughout the journey in order to verify that the temperature ranges stipulated in the legislation have been complied with.
June 12, 2023/ MAPA/ Spain.