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Spain: Agreement to avoid strike in the meat sector

Following the signing of the agreement, the union strike planned for December 4 and 5 has been called off.

25 November 2024

After intense negotiations lasting over 17 hours, the business organizations ANICE, FECIC, AGEMCEX, ANAFRIC, and ANAGRASA, together with the trade unions CC.OO., UGT, and FIGA, have reached a pre-agreement for the next collective bargaining agreement for the meat sector. This agreement avoids the strike scheduled for December 4 and 5, although it must be ratified by the parties involved before November 30.

The pre-agreement establishes a two-year term (2024-2025) and includes:

  • For the year 2024, the agreement refers to the 3% increase of the Agreement for Employment and Collective Bargaining (ANC), which will be applied to the final tables for the year 2023 and a wage revision clause for deviations from the CPI, limited to 1% and not retroactive
  • For the year 2025, the provisions of the ANC have also been agreed and the increase will be 3%, with the same salary review clause for deviation from the CPI, limited to 1% and not retroactive.
  • Likewise, as of January 1, 2025, the annual working hours will be 1,748 hours (12 hours less than the current working hours, on an annual basis).

The agreement affects more than 110,000 workers in a sector that represents 2.72% of Spain's GDP and is an essential economic pillar for rural areas. In 2023, the sector reached a turnover of 33,218 million euros and exports of 10,583 million, consolidating its position as a key player in the food industry.

November 22, 2024 / Joint press release.

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