The director of the Food Information and Control Agency (AICA), Mr. Jose Miguel Herrero, has declared that thanks to the inspections, carried out by the Agency, “the farmers, stockbreeders and food industry will be able to get paid for their products sooner than it was usual in this sector”.
This is a right, he has underlined, defended by the Law on measures for improving the functioning of the food chain promoted by the Ministry, and it is a pioneering law in the EU “that includes new rights and duties for the food chain operators, that forbids unfair practices and establishes a set of infringements and penalties for their unfulfilment”.

Mr. Herrero has remembered that, “compared to other economic sectors, the food and agriculture sector has a special legal regime”. He has explained that this legal regime impedes the delaying, for more than 30 days, of the payments of fresh and perishable foods, whilst the purchases of the rest of foods will have to be paid before 60 days go by.
The director underlines that the AICA “monitors the payment of the products obeying the aforementioned deadlines, and if this is not fulfiled there will be penalties imposed.” He has also highlighted how the unfulfilment of the payment deadlines is considered a serious offence and that it can entail fines that may reach €100,000.
Wednesday, 11 February 2015/ MAGRAMA/ Spain.