According to the data published in the last provisional annual report written by the ‘Grup de Gestió Porcina’ (Pig Management Group) of the Animal Production Department at the University of Lleida, during the last four years (2010-2013), the most consumed meat in Spain has been fowl, followed by pork. On the other hand, the least consumed meats have been lamb/goat and rabbit.
During year 2013, 16.74 and 10.92 kg of fowl and pork were consumed per capita in the Spanish households, respectively.
Evolution of the consumption of the different kinds of fresh meat per capita in the Spanish households during the period 2010-2013 (Source: MAGRAMA [Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment]).
Informe Anual 2013 (provisional) - Observatori del porcí (DAAM). Grup Gestió Porcina, UdL, Spain.