According to analysis by the Spanish Serrano Ham Consortium based on data provided by the Tax Agency on Spanish cured ham and pork shoulder exports during the first nine months of 2014, Spanish exports volume, with an equivalent of 223 million euros, reached 24,552 tonnes in the period analysed, representing a growth of 10.27% in volume and 11.56% in value compared with data from the same period last year.
As per their destinations, the EU28 remains the driving force for Spanish exports, which continue to grow in this geographic area at a rate of 13.57% by volume. In contrast, exports to third countries have fallen by 4.36%. A significant finding about the destination countries is the fact that the growth experienced by the 4 main destination markets for Spanish exports, i.e. France, Germany, Portugal and Italy, accounts for 97% of the total growth of Spanish exports.

The main markets among the UE28 countries are France, with 6,469 tonnes versus 5,810 tonnes in the same period of 2013, Germany, which has reached 6,440 tonnes versus 6,009 in the same period last year, and Portugal, with 2,441 tonnes. Italy follows, having exceeded 2,056 tonnes when in the same period last year it only imported 946 tonnes; and finally, Belgium with 776 tonnes. These five markets alone account for 74% of Spanish exports by volume, which shows how concentrated they are, especially when you consider that Spanish cured ham is present in over 100 countries.
Outside the EU28, the main destinations are Mexico, with 590 tonnes imported, Japan with 350 tonnes, USA with 343 tonnes and Norway with 308 tonnes.
As per formats, whole ham on the bone accounts for 18.2% of all Spanish exports, a format that is gaining popularity since, in the same period last year, this format only accounted for 16.2% of the exports.
Thursday, November 27, 2014 / Consorcio del Jamón Serrano Español-Press Release / Spain.