The Spanish exports of cured hams and shoulders reached a volume of 31,164 tonnes during year 2013, and this represents a rise by 16.2% with respect to the previous year, according to the data of the Spanish Serrano Ham Foundation (Fundación del Jamón Serrano Español) obtained from the foreign trade statistics of the Tax Department and ICEX Spain Exports and Investments (ICEX).
These sales of the Spanish cured ham producing companies in the foreign markets (they include hams, shoulders, pieces and deboned and vacuum-packed products) have represented a total figure of €276.3 million, which entails a significant evolution by 16.3% with respect to the €237.6 million in 2012.

80.3% of the exports belong to deboned products, which is a requirement made by a part of the recipient markets, and in terms of value, these formats smaller than a whole ham or shoulder (sliced product, portions, dices, central parts of hams, etc.) represent approximately the same percentage (81.7%).
The European Union still is the main market as a whole (more than 80% of the total), and the main clients are (26.5% of the exported volume), France (25%) and Portugal (10%), followed, at a great distance, by Belgium, Italy and The Netherlands.
On the other hand, Mexico has become the main non-EU market, with almost 3% of the total amount, followed by US, Australia, Japan and Switzerland.
Sales have also grown in countries that are very interesting for the Spanish cured ham companies, such as Mexico, Japan, Australia, Ukraine and South Korea.
Wednesday February 19, 2014/ Fundación del Jamón Serrano/ Spain.