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Spain: decrease in the swine census

According to the published data, the census totals 24.59 million heads, and this represents a drop with respect to November 2012.

4 November 2013

The Ministry has just published the data of the swine census in the month of May. According to the published data, the census totals 24.59 million heads, and this represents a drop with respect to the last census (November 2012), when the total number of swine heads was 25.25 million.

In all the categories slight drops have been detected with respect to November 2012,with a total of 7.1 million piglets, 5.81 million pigs < 50 kg LW, and 9.52 million fattening-finishing pigs (7.08 million, 5.73 million and 10.14 million in November 2012, respectively). The number of sows and boars has also fallen (2.23 million in May 2013 vs. 2.25 million in November 2012, and 36,000 vs. 38,000, respectively).

Thursday October 24, 2013/ MAGRAMA /Spain.

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