According to the data published by the Ministry of Agriculture of Spain, the total feed production in Spain reached 29,191,381 tonnes during year 2012, which entails a drop by 4.93% with respect to year 2011.
If we limit ourselves to the analysis of the production of feeds for livestock, the production reached 28,363,988 tonnes, which implies 1,327,064 tonnes less than in year 2011: this is, there has been a drop by approximately 4.7%, which is similar to the fall seen in the data regarding the total production of feeds.

The distribution of the feeds according to the different species is very similar to that of previous years, with the production of feed for pigs standing out clearly in the first position (with around 46% of the total feed produced), followed by the feed for cattle (that entails approximately 22% with respect to the total), the feed for fowl (its production was slightly over 19% of the total of feed production), and the feed for sheep and goats (with 5.6% of the total), among the most relevant productions.
In pig production, more than 70% of the feed is for fattening pigs, followed by the feed for sows (that entails more than 18% of the total), and the feed for piglets (that implies slightly over 11% of the total).
The production of feeds with respect to year 2011 has dropped in the majority of the species, except in the case of feeds for sheep and goats, which has increased by 16%, and in the case of the feed for horses, that has grown by 28%. According to the collected data, we can say that the drop in the production of feeds for livestock exceeds, in general, 5%, and the data of the production of feeds for poultry farming, that shows a fall by 10%, and for aquaculture, that shows a drop by 16%, stand out, although, as already mentioned, the production of feeds for sheep/goats and horses has increased.
October 2013/ SILUM-MAGRAMA / Spain.