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Spain: Regulation in favor of sustainable antibiotic use in livestock

The regulation will establish a national reference value for use, which will be defined according to the species and livestock classification.

8 December 2022

The sale of antimicrobials in Spain is higher than the European average, so it is necessary to urgently address their use in livestock farms. The royal decree aims to establish a framework for action to achieve sustainable use of antibiotics in all livestock farms, including aquaculture farms, with the exception of farms for own consumption and small farms.

A national reference value for antimicrobial use will be established, which will be defined according to the species and livestock classification. Farm use of antimicrobials should approximate this value, and measures should be considered according to the percent by which farms exceed this limit, always on the basis of recommendations of the farm veterinarian and the execution by the owner.

The Central Computerized System for the Control of Veterinary Antibiotic Prescriptions (PRESVET) now allows the farmer to obtain data on antibiotic use on their farm, which is needed to begin to address the problem of antimicrobial resistance as soon as possible. This information will help farm owners and veterinarians be aware of their relative position in antibiotic use and to have time to plan measures to reduce use where necessary.

November 29, 2022/ MAPA/ Spain.

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